Ask Your Pharmacist
If I have no refills remaining, can I still request a refill online?
Yes, we will contact your prescriber for you to request a refill. You will be required to enter your phone number, so we may contact you, if necessary.
Can I use my prescription card at your pharmacy?
Yes, we accept most major insurance companies including Medicaid and Medicare Part D.
How can I transfer prescriptions from another pharmacy?
We would be happy to fill your prescriptions. To transfer your current prescription to Citizens Pharmacy, either stop by our pharmacy or simply give us a call and our staff will take care of the rest!
What if I forgot to pick up my prescription at the indicated time?
We will hold your prescription for 14 days. After 14 days, we will be happy to refill the prescription for you, upon request.
Can you deliver my prescriptions?
We are able to deliver within a 10 mile radius. We will call you to schedule a delivery once we receive your request.
Can you help me with Medicare Part D questions?
Yes, we have trained Medicare Part D professionals on staff.
Can I prepay my prescription online?
We currently only accept payment at the time of pickup/delivery. We do not accept online payments.